Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wednesday August 14, 2013 Provo MTC

It was a beautiful day in Salt Lake City, we drove together. Jose was happy and at the same time kind of sad to leave but he was ready. We were talking about our mom. What would happened with mom if our grandmother pass away? Elder Rodriguez was worried about mom. I felt like sharing my own personal experience when some one so close leaves us. I told him everything is going to be just fine and the Lord will bless our family because of you serving him as a disciple and sharing the Gospel. We arrived to the Provo Temple waiting for our older brother Efrain and his family, we took our last pictures.
Family members and friends wanted to walk with him to the MTC to the temple but the only way that Elder Rodriguez could enter is by car and it will be a fast drop off at the curve side and good bye, so we all squeeze in my car Chevy traverse that can fit 8 people and we ended to fit 12! it was great. We loved to see all the new missionaries saying welcome to Elder Rodriguez. We hugged and kissed. We will see you in two years little brother.
Thirty minutes later my mom received a phone call from Peru that my sweet grandmother passed away. It was very hard for her but again our Heavenly Father works in many different ways, the most beautiful Priesthood blessing from one dear friend and uncle Adam Bravo, my dad and uncle Grant helped mom so much and I am witness of the power of a priesthood blessing. Hours later mom, dad and my brother Efrain were flying to Peru. What a wonderful experience some trials turned into blessings. My grandmother was not a member of our church and now she knows that her grandson is serving as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter days Saints and I know she will be ready to listen to the missionaries in the other side and be around to all our love ones. Next day I went to the Salt Lake Temple were I found my grandmother, I can feel she was with me and I know that she is happy and wants us to be happy. The Gospel brings us happiness and joy and I can't wait for Elder Rodriguez to come home and together as a family go to the temple for her. Families are Forever!

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