Saturday, August 17, 2013

Elder Rodriguez First letter from the MTC

papa I have gotten special permission to write to you at this time, i will be able to only write letters and emails on my P day which will be Tuesday. I am writing to you because they had to give me a shot here at the MTC. They will be billing you guys for it. It was only one shot the (tdap) which was about I think 43 dollars on 8/16/13. They said for you to call this number (801) 422-8940 so that you can get the receipt for the shot. With that receipt you can try to bill it to the insurance, if you need any help with this ask tito, bita, or stef. If the insurance doesn't want to pay for it, try to talk to the bishop, he may be able to help. On a side note I hope you got my last letter which asked how everyone was doing, and things like that, this letter also included things I need like my little black scripture bag, a back pack like that chris or Brother Wright has shown me. Please send that bag to as soon as you can. Also I might be sending some stuff back. I miss you guys, but I can feel your love and support from here. I love you all. please tell everyone that, include Sister Aragon and her family of that message. Like I said again they only let me send letters on P days which is on Tuesday. I haven't found a place where i can put my pictures in. So i might just have to send in my memory card of my camera. One more thing they say that I will be possible be leaving out to the mission field on Aug 26, thats next next Monday about 12 days. Please keep me posted in any changes that my occur over there. I will include others in this message. I love you family, and friends, the church is true, the gospel has been restored, I feel the spirit so strong here its amazing. thank you for all your love and support brothers and sisters. sincerely, Elder Rodriguez You can email and mail Elder Rodriguez Mailing address to MTC Elder Jose Erick Rodriguez Mendoza Provo Missionary Training Center 2005 N 900 E unit 49 Provo, UT 84604 United States Mailing to mission field Elder Jose Erick Rodriguez Mendoza Texas McAllen Mission 200 W La Vista Ave McAllen, TX 78501-2131 United States Email for mission

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