Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Jose Rodriguez On: Sep 09/23/13 11:51 AM

Hola! El tiempo esta pasando muy rapido, casi termino me primero transfer, soloment me falta una mas seman. Estoy ya mejor con me companero :). Las familia que estoy ensenaydo no estan progresando mucho pero, se que ellos solment nesicitan mas tempo :). Mami! te mande una letter para tu cumpleanos en domigo, :) Feliz cumpleanos mama :) te querio muchisimo! <3. Estoy aprendo much de la evanglio, mucho doctrina en mis estudios personal:). Y tiambien mi espanol esta mejorando! But Im having problems with the TU form, apprentaly i cant use it out here and thats a problem cuz that what i learn at home! TU form is like the words that end in as or es, like puedes, haces etc. :/ That and pronounsing the word as well :P. Let me se que mas o hablos texas mexs aqui. WoO haha esta raining like loco qui, por que de la tormenta. I got your guys package! thxs I need that bag really bad :) im going to be transefer soon so make sure you guys stop sending letters to that address and starting sending them back to the old address la vista cruz one by the end of this week so after sunday i would say. Papa mande un mensaje a adan y me mando uno tiabien, el president tiambien pero penso es incorrect. Y papa gracias por esa remedio de el president de "cuando se sienta mal" lo voy a plicar en me vida :). Y no se procupan (worry) de me salido de me pecho :) y tengo la email de wendy (chases mama) y mat, me falt de el bishop , y otros . Oh papa did you find our preisthood line? And i did get the shirts and rain jacket they have helped me a lot but im still going to need those shrits i sent back, you should be able to return them to MR. Mac at citycreek :) Thanks for the CD! but i already have that one haha, I dont know if you want me to send it back to you guys or what haha, not really sure why you got me another sewing kit and alram clock but ill take it! have you guys looked at the bikes from bike world? i think i will be buying one today! I also got the book thxs guys! thankyou for everying you been doing for me, prays and the support. los amo a todos!!! y siempren estan en mis oracions! manda mis saludos a mis primos, tias, tios, todos! ill be sending the pics after this love you guys again ! tu hijo, hermano
- Elder Rodriguez ( joseito) :) <3